
Why it’s vitally important to connect with your real self – and how to do it

Updated on November 6th, 2018

Are you unhappy with your life? (Crossroads, end of an era? Facing redundancy, an empty nest or a divorce?) If you want to make changes and create a life you love (more), have a look and listen to this video. You’ll discover why reconnecting with your real self is of vital importance for it – and has nothing to do with self-indulgent navel-gazing. And you’ll learn a simple and practical tool to create a snapshot of who you really are.Read-more

5 Simple Ways to Be(come) More Authentic

Updated on November 6th, 2018

Do you feel that you’re living to please others? Are you stuck in a life that doesn’t feel like you? Do you wish you could be more fully  and uniquely yourself? Being authentic can be scary, yet it is very freeing, too. Being the Real You in your life will also help you love your life more. And others will like and trust you more for it, too! Read on to discover 5 simple ways to be(come) more authentic.Read-more

A Must-Do Exercise for Authenticity, Confidence and Self-esteem

Updated on November 6th, 2018

What are your strengths? Yes – what are they? What are you really, really good at? What can you do like no one else can?

Whether you do or don’t know – there is one exercise I highly recommend that you do at least once in your life – or, even better, every time you get to a crossroads in your life and need to figure out where you are going next. Read on to find out what it is…Read-more

10 Key Ingredients for a Life You Love – Have You Got Them?

Updated on November 6th, 2018

Are you at a crossroads or dead end in your life? Treading water in your life? Dissatisfied, and living a life you don’t enjoy anymore? Do you feel it’s time to take stock, and evaluate where you’re at? Are you dreaming of creating a life you love, yet don’t know what that entails? Then how about some inspiration?

Find out what my 10 Key Ingredients for a Life You Love are – and which one(s) you are missing. Read on…Read-more