Corporate life

When It’s Time for a Clean Slate

Updated on May 18th, 2019

Maybe your in-tray at work is overflowing. Your home is crammed full of stuff you never get ’round to sort through. Or perhaps you’ve had a big experience you’ve not digested yet. When life (or we ourselves) deal us more than we can process, it’s time to stop and catch up. Do the sorting, cleaning and clearing. Create a clean slate, and then start afresh. Read on to find out why, and why you only have to gain from it!Read-more

Want to leave the corporate rut? 11 practices to help you actually do it

Updated on August 3rd, 2021

Dear Seasoned and Successful Corporate Professional:

Has your job or career become a straitjacket? Do you ever wonder what else you’d discover in life, if you had the time to actually explore it? Or what it would be like to work at your pace, or do your thing? 

If you’ve been thinking, dreaming, fantasizing, even talking about leaving the corporate world – yet have never done anything about it: Here are 11 practices that will help you leave. For Read-more