
Every day a new beginning – Notes from Self-Isolation

Updated on November 14th, 2024

I’m not often awake before dawn, lifelong night owl that I am. But today, I woke at four in the night and couldn’t go back to sleep. Two hours later, I get up, exasperated. I pull up the shutters of my bedroom window. In the east, behind the black hills, the sky is beginning to faintly glow. It’s like a promise. The orange radiance reflects on the ponds of the park that lies dark and silent, awaiting the new day. Read-more

Love Is the Answer – Notes from Self-Isolation

Updated on April 4th, 2020

On my short walks, I often pass the cemetery. My dad is buried here. I greet him as I walk past on the gravel path that runs alongside it, so straight it could have been drawn with a giant ruler. I step across a narrow patch of stubbly grass, duck under the low branches of a lime tree. On the cemetery car park, I look down onto the pavement. There’s a spot where it’s cracked into the shape of a Read-more

Everyday stories, up and down – Notes from Self-Isolation

Updated on April 2nd, 2020

I’ve walked these stairs up and down a few times each day now. Sixteen steps per floor; six floors. It feels better than taking the lift. The exercise burns my leg muscles; my heart is pounding in my chest. That’s good; I’m alive. I pass my neighbours’ doors, all painted in the same orangey-pink. One is adorned with a hopeful little wreath, another boasts a bold WELCOME! sign, defying the lockdown. Behind each door, lives are being lived, stories unfold… Read-more

Expansion of a different kind – Notes from Self-Isolation

Updated on April 2nd, 2020

From my bedroom window I can see the sky. It looks pristine. Hard, too, like porcelain glazed in a rare turquoise colour. A hawk is drawing elegant circles up there, soaring effortlessly on the air, patiently waiting for some tiny prey to move in the grassy fields below. I wonder how she sees our world from up there. Does the lack of people make any difference to her? If anything, I’m guessing our withdrawal means she can expand… Read-more

Just Sitting – Notes from Self-Isolation

Updated on April 2nd, 2020

The world seems calm this mid-March evening, after a t-shirt-weather-day with temperatures we normally see in May. But the weather is changing, and the sky dulls down as the sun readies itself to set in pale orange and mauve tones behind a billowing cloud. On the school’s tartan track below, two lone joggers make their slow and steady rounds – two metres apart, for that’s the distance we keep these days. Inside, my mother is singing, her voice cracked, her Read-more

Becoming Fearless – An Experiment

Updated on November 6th, 2018

In Kundalini Yoga, I’ve discovered the bookTen Light Bodies of Consciousness*. It’s given me insights into matters I want to develop further in my life: My connection to That Which Is Greater Than Us – God, or the Universe. Fear is one thing that cuts me off from it. The book offers exercises to master this – they’re all about the breath – to be practiced daily for 40 days. This is what this practice is all about.Read-more

My Hadrian’s Wall Adventure – or How I Became the Queen of the Pink Sandals

Updated on July 10th, 2020

Experiences are the essence of living a life you love. Experiences test us, challenge us, grow us and nourish our soul. Experiences bring us together. Big or small, pleasant, exciting, amazing or not – the key is to live them fully and consciously. Because they are our life. They teach us about ourselves. Experiences also give us stories to share, and this is the story of my adventure walking Hadrian’s Wall, when I became the Queen of the Pink Sandals. Read-more