
Some nights, longing- Notes from Lockdown

Some nights, I lie tired but sleepless in my bed, listening to the racket the frogs are making in the nearby pond. Other nights, the frogs are quiet, but my longing speaks instead. It got stronger since there’s been talk of gradually re-opening our locked-down world. I’m longing to visit places. To see, touch, hug people. To try new stuff, have an adventure. Technology – life-saving as it has been in keeping us connected and productive – is a poor substitute for real human Read-more

Freedom – Notes from Lockdown

Updated on April 28th, 2020

Self-isolation has turned into lockdown, but my life has remained the same. After nearly a month of staying in, the power of new habits has softened my initial shock at what is happening in the world. Perhaps it’s easing my loss of freedom, too. I live simply, learning to savour a different, humbler kind of freedom. I’m filled with a gratitude I’ve rarely felt in my life. And, whilst I mostly stay indoors, the trees outside light up in opulent Read-more