Top tips / how to

Living through unease and crises in your fifties

Updated on March 13th, 2023

In our fifties, we come into our own. Released of some earlier-life responsibilities, and less phased by what others think, we experience a new, mature freedom. Many of us start a whole new life chapter. However, our sixth decade often also brings some kind of life crisis, unexpected or unwanted changes, disillusionment or bitterness. It can be a tough time! Here’s how I lived through my own Fifties Crisis, and what’s helped me come through.

A Fifties Unease

For … Read-more

7 Ways to Learn to Trust Your Intuition

Updated on June 30th, 2020

I was not always in the habit of listening to my gut feeling. As a former Biochemist and Executive Management Consultant, I’d lived mostly in my head, and placed structure above what I thought were vague ideas. But since I’ve learnt to trust my intuition, my life has changed. In this post, I’m sharing three intuition stories and suggest how you  can learn to trust your intuition – and live a more easeful life!

I have not always been well-connected … Read-more

19 things to do when you’re in a hiatus in your life

Updated on April 10th, 2022

Are you in an in-between place in your life? The lack of clarity, direction, goals or visible progress a hiatus can bring can make it seem like we’ve been paused, halted, held back. And the uncertainty about our future can prey on our mind and make our hiatus an uncomfortable place to be. But don’t despair: Read on to find out why a hiatus experience is normal and valuable. And discover 19 ways of living through it with more ease!Read-more

Set Direction, Not Goals

Updated on April 16th, 2019

What’s your experience with goals? Do you love them? Do you loathe them? Or do you perhaps avoid them altogether? These questions are contentious, and opinions are divided. Goals have their pros and cons. So I’ve done a bit of research. Read on to find out what the experts say. And why my conclusion is that, in terms of your life, it’s best to set direction instead of goals! (And also find out 3 ways for how to do that.)Read-more

After divorce: First steps into a life you love

Updated on November 6th, 2018

Divorce – or a major break up – is one of the most stressful and traumatic life events that can happen to us. It dramatically changes our entire life and can take a great emotional toll. Then, once we’ve landed on the other side of it, a question emerges: What do we do with our life now? Divorce coach Margaret Yates asked me for advice on how to start living a life you love after divorce. Watch our conversation here…Read-more

Don’t Be Positive (That’s Right!): The When and Why

Updated on October 30th, 2018

We all love to be positive and attract beautiful things into our life. In our modern society, positivity has become a diktat. But what do we do when life batters us badly, and we’ve nowhere to go with our pain? Read on to find out why telling ourselves or others to Lighten up! when we’re in pain is cruel, why we need to re-learn NOT to be (always instantly) positive, and how to really reap the gifts of tough experience.Read-more

How to Create a Clean Slate – My 7 Tried and Tested Ways

Updated on June 14th, 2020

When your life starts looking and feeling like an out-of-control Einsteinian equation, and you’re running ’round in circles trying to sort stuff out or make things better, you might find yourself longing to just drop everything. Create a clean slate. And start afresh. Easier said than done… Read my experience from a year of doing that and learn how to create a clean slate in your life. So that the New, the Next and the Fresh may come in!

If … Read-more

When It’s Time for a Clean Slate

Updated on May 18th, 2019

Maybe your in-tray at work is overflowing. Your home is crammed full of stuff you never get ’round to sort through. Or perhaps you’ve had a big experience you’ve not digested yet. When life (or we ourselves) deal us more than we can process, it’s time to stop and catch up. Do the sorting, cleaning and clearing. Create a clean slate, and then start afresh. Read on to find out why, and why you only have to gain from it!Read-more

5 Simple Ways to Be(come) More Authentic

Updated on November 6th, 2018

Do you feel that you’re living to please others? Are you stuck in a life that doesn’t feel like you? Do you wish you could be more fully  and uniquely yourself? Being authentic can be scary, yet it is very freeing, too. Being the Real You in your life will also help you love your life more. And others will like and trust you more for it, too! Read on to discover 5 simple ways to be(come) more authentic.Read-more

3 Essentials to Give to Yourself – and 3 to Give to Others

Updated on October 18th, 2018

Balancing our own needs with those of others in our personal or professional life can be tricky. Like all balance, this one too can easily get out of kilter, as we get swept into looking after others, or drawn into attending to our own inner processes. If you feel that you’re giving too much to others, or perhaps not enough, this post will help. Read on to discover my 3 essentials to focus on in giving to yourself and others…Read-more