
Living through unease and crises in your fifties

Updated on March 13th, 2023

In our fifties, we come into our own. Released of some earlier-life responsibilities, and less phased by what others think, we experience a new, mature freedom. Many of us start a whole new life chapter. However, our sixth decade often also brings some kind of life crisis, unexpected or unwanted changes, disillusionment or bitterness. It can be a tough time! Here’s how I lived through my own Fifties Crisis, and what’s helped me come through.

A Fifties Unease

For … Read-more

Becoming Fearless – An Experiment

Updated on November 6th, 2018

In Kundalini Yoga, I’ve discovered the bookTen Light Bodies of Consciousness*. It’s given me insights into matters I want to develop further in my life: My connection to That Which Is Greater Than Us – God, or the Universe. Fear is one thing that cuts me off from it. The book offers exercises to master this – they’re all about the breath – to be practiced daily for 40 days. This is what this practice is all about.Read-more

How to Create a Clean Slate – My 7 Tried and Tested Ways

Updated on June 14th, 2020

When your life starts looking and feeling like an out-of-control Einsteinian equation, and you’re running ’round in circles trying to sort stuff out or make things better, you might find yourself longing to just drop everything. Create a clean slate. And start afresh. Easier said than done… Read my experience from a year of doing that and learn how to create a clean slate in your life. So that the New, the Next and the Fresh may come in!

If … Read-more