Updated on March 8th, 2019
This is what readers in over ten countries* say about my Tips to Create and Live a Life You Love emails.
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* be energised, motivated and inspired. Apply practical wisdom, and start living a life you love!
And you know the best thing about the Tips to Create and Live a Life You Love? They’re free.
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* Countries include Bulgaria, Canada, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Switzerland, Portugal, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and Trinidad and Tobago!
What readers say
Here’s why those receiving the Tips to Create and Live a Life You Love like them:
“I’m SO grateful for your regular emails – thank you for reaching out and connecting with people in this way. You’ve made a big difference in my life – especially with your emails about change, a subject which is particularly close to my heart.” – CJ, London
“I have been reading your emails for a little while now, Monica, and I do like them and your outlook on life – you sounds like you know what you are talking about! I also love the way you take ordinary (or extraordinary) occurrences and tease out meaningful observations from them.”– SA, South West London
“I love reading your inspiring emails, Monica. What I enjoy most about your writing is that you’re sharing your experiences of what simply happens to you along life’s winding path, and you then relate them to how we can be better versions of ourselves. It makes me aware that life is filled with lessons and signs every day, if only we choose to stop, observe and reflect. That is what you do so beautifully, so thank you for sharing that!”– Leigh Stevens, Seattle, Washington, USA
“Thank you for writing such wonderful and inspiring emails. They always feel like you know exactly what I’m thinking!” – PG, SW London
“I love the tips, experiments and checklists in your emails, Monica – they are really applicable and useful. The topics intrigue me, and make me think about my life and myself in different ways. The mailings I liked most of all are ‘Got a Plan?’ and ‘Inspiration’: They spoke to my present mindset, and I kept reading them, and putting one or the other suggested experiment into practice. Thank you, Monica – you’re always truly inspiring!” – DC, Utrecht, Netherlands
“Keep up the good work, Monica – your emails always brighten a dull winter’s day!”– SF, Surrey
“The Tips to Create a Life You Love via email really work! I can only say a very big thank-you for my new ‘onwards and upwards’ attitude!” – VH, Kingston
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