Creating change

My Ultimate How-To-Guide to Changing Your Life – 6 Steps to a Life You Love

Updated on April 10th, 2019

Are you unhappy with your life? Feeling stuck, drained, dissatisfied? Want something different, yet don’t know what, nor how to change for the better in your life? It’s an unsettling and stressful place to be in. So I’ve created a process that has helped many clients move through it with more ease. Discover what’s next in their life. Make positive changes. And start living a life that is right for them; a life they love. 

Want to know how? Read-more

Don’t be the Titanic: The underwater iceberg that can sink your change ship

Updated on November 6th, 2018

Do you equate making a change with taking the actions to bring it about? Most of us do. Yet before we can make change in real life, we go through a process of getting ready for it. 

This can be lengthy, but ignore it at your peril, as it can hold up or even doom your change.

The good news? You can work on your change readiness – read on for my 5 Top Tips on how to do that!Read-more

6 Steps to A Life You Love – Step 0: Create space! And 11 ways to do that

Updated on October 18th, 2018

What change are you contemplating to make in your life right now? Whether tiny or sweeping, it won’t happen unless you focus your energy, time and attention on bringing it about. And create the space for it to happen in. 

Why this is your vital pre-requisite, your Step Zero, so to speak? Find out in my ultimate How-To-Guide 6 Steps to a Life You Love. And get ideas for creating space, going beyond simply making time in Read-more

Not doing what you want in life? Here’s how to adjust in 7 simple steps.

Updated on October 19th, 2018

We all live busy lives, with many responsibilities that need our attention. It’s easy to say that creating a life with (enough 0f) what we want is a luxury we have no time to work on.

And yet, if we don’t make the time, we risk staying stuck in a life we don’t enjoy.

So are you doing what you want? If not, here’s how to adjust – gently, at your pace, and in a way that fits into Read-more

Feel inadequate about your change success? Here’s help.

Updated on April 10th, 2019

It’s time to get real about change. Personal change or life change. Or any change, really.

Because guess what? It rarely happens in a neat, practical, straight line.

And those who will have us believe this about a change they have made are probably embellishing a little bit – to say the least! 

But here’s the good news: There’s no need to feel inadequate or awkward if the change you’re trying to make isn’t straight-forward and easy. Why? Read on… Read-more

Make Your Change So Easy…

Updated on October 18th, 2018

Ever wanted change in your life, yet struggled to make it happen?

Life is never perfect; not all that happens to us is in our control. Yet it’s never too late to grab your power on what is in your control, and make a change for the better in your life.

Read on for some inspiration and practical tips to make the change you want a little easier – in fact, so easy that it just cannot help but happen!Read-more

Tough-Love Health Advice From My GP

Updated on October 18th, 2018

When I was 28, I went through a time of coming down with one virus, infection, or illness after another. For a year, I couldn’t shift this, nor make it go away. And I wasn’t ready to acknowledge that I needed to look after myself better. So I went and had some stern words with my GP… 

This is the story of what happened then. Read on to discover how my GP’s tough-love advice made a difference to my life!Read-more