Updated on November 5th, 2023


Monica’s Blog on Life and Change

Hi, and welcome to my blog!

I’m Monica, and with my articles, I intend to inspire, encourage and support you as you get unstuck, make positive life changes and live a life you love – authentic, joyful, meaningful, soulful.

share real-life stories and experiences, ideas and inspiration, practical wisdom, strategies and resources which you can easily put into practice in your everyday life.  I hope you’ll be inspired to observe your life and yourself, becoming aware of where you stand, who you really are, what’s important to you and what you really want.

So you can feel more purposeful, vibrant and alive. Get through life’s transitions, and its ups and downs, with more ease. Live your life more happily and fully. And give back to the world and to others from there!

Most popular posts on TURNING / BEING FIFTY

Why 50 is the best time to change your life – 10 reasons

Living through unease and crises in your fifties

50 ways to celebrate your fifties – My 4-part series

My Ultimate Guide to Life Change

Six Steps to A Life You Love   Change your life with ease and joy

Most popular posts on SOULFUL LIVING

Lost for purpose? Look in these 5 places

Don’t be positive – That’s right! The When and Why

16 things to do when you’re in a hiatus in your life

5 ways to learn to trust your intuition

Set direction, not goals – Goals aren’t always the best option

5 powerful ways to reflect on your year  – With free tools.

55 cool questions for reviewing your year

Most popular posts on EXPERIENCES

My Hadrian’s Wall Adventure How I became the Queen of Pink Sandals

How to create a clean slate – 7 best tried and tested ways

Becoming fearless – An experiment

How singing lessons helped me find my fighting spirit

OVERVIEW of all blog posts

Click here to see all blog posts   Starting from the most recent.

Most popular SEASONAL writing

The Little Book of Spring – Inspiration in words and image

Less PRESENTS, more PRESENCE at Christmas – 7 ideas

3 Top Tips for Christmas Joy  – Less stressing, more blessing!

Time to review your year? – 55 cool questions

5 powerful ways to reflect on your year – with free tools

Most popular posts on MAKING CHANGE

Are you doing what you want? 3 quick checks.

Not doing what you want in life? How to adjust in 7 simple steps.

Are you living a life you love? And one quick boost if you’re not.

10 key ingredients for a life you love Have you got them?

15 signs it’s time to make a change in your life And the questions that will move you forward.

25 small tweaks that will make a difference to your life Small things with big impact you can do straight away.

The first principle of change: Create space!  11 ways to do just that.

5 surefire ways to conquer your excuses from every angle.

6 survival strategies for when your change isn’t happening

Feeling inadequate about your change success? Here’s help!

Get inspiration and tips for a life you love in your inbox

Inspiring real-life stories, insightful strategies and practical tips you can apply straight away in your own life. Directly to your email box, along with special offers and goodies only available to subscribers. Free. “One of the few mailings I actually read.”  – LP, Surrey

Want more?


Book & P&P

Conquer your excuses

Get your signed copy of my book What’s Your Excuse for not Living a Life You Love? Friendly, warm and humorous, it brings you over 40 excuses – from the common to the unusual – and teaches you how to overcome them to become who you’re meant to be, and live a life that’s right for you. £8 plus P&P.

How you can work with me

Find your best next step                          Tweak with ease                      Reinvent yourself

What clients say about working with me


Interested? Inspired to work with me? Questions?

Great – why don’t we have a chat? I’d love to speak to you! It’s important to me that we’re a good match. That my coaching is right for what you want in your life. And that I’m the right person to help you with this. (And, by the way, it’s ok if we find out that I’m not.) You’re serious about discovering and creating a life that is right for you? You know you cannot do that on your own? Then book an initial free call with me now. We’ll talk about where you stand and what you want to do. We’ll clarify any questions, work out if and how we can best work together, and get the ball rolling.                             top

Photography: Pixabay and Pic Ur Photo

Get inspiration and tips for a life you love