Creating change

Living through unease and crises in your fifties

Updated on March 13th, 2023

In our fifties, we come into our own. Released of some earlier-life responsibilities, and less phased by what others think, we experience a new, mature freedom. Many of us start a whole new life chapter. However, our sixth decade often also brings some kind of life crisis, unexpected or unwanted changes, disillusionment or bitterness. It can be a tough time! Here’s how I lived through my own Fifties Crisis, and what’s helped me come through.

A Fifties Unease

For … Read-more

6 Survival Strategies For When Your Change Isn’t Happening

Updated on March 9th, 2019

So you’ve embarked on changing your life: you want to move houses, change job, find a partner, create a positive new habit… You’ve been working for it, with motivation, discipline, focus. Yet the outcome you want just isn’t happening. Sadly, life isn’t always fair. We can’t always get what we want. You feel frustrated, rejected, even despondent. What to do? Read on for 6 survival strategies I use to help me through when one of my desired changes isn’t happening…Read-more

50 Ways to Celebrate Your Fifties – Part 1

Updated on February 4th, 2019

Turning fifty is not an appealing milestone for women. With youth behind us, our bodies and looks change, and we might start feeling invisible and unappreciated. Yet our fifties are also a time when we’re freer from family and work obligations. Wiser, and less worried about what others think of us. Resting more in ourselves and coming into our feminine power. That’s worth celebrating – meaningfully and joyfully! Here are 50 ideas for how to do that – Part 1…Read-more

Should I Stay or Should I Go? 8 Questions to Help You Decide

Updated on May 18th, 2019

Some decisions are only for you to make. Like whether you should stay in a job, a relationship or a group – or not. Often, these decisions are not so clear-cut. Staying might mean putting up with irritation, forever wondering if we don’t owe ourselves better. And leaving might mean losing what’s good about our situation, as well as hurting someone. So I’ve come up with 8 ways to get clear. Read on to learn about my best dilemma-busting questions…Read-more

3 Ways to Clarity – And my Take on Forrest Gump

Updated on November 6th, 2018

Sometimes life can throw us a curve ball. Or just be too full of stuff. And we end up overwhelmed, and confused. We wish we could be clear about what’s going on, or about what to do. But we’re not. Rather, we feel like we’re in a sand storm. And the clarity we long for seems miles and miles away… Read on for my tried-and-tested tips to make it through the sand storm – and help you get clear again!Read-more

15 signs it’s time to make a change in your life – and key questions to move you forward

Updated on July 3rd, 2020

How do you feel when you contemplate making a (big or small) change in your life? Excited? Or dreading it? It seems that the dread often gets the upper hand. And that we are very good at ignoring the signs that change is needed in our life – forgetting that it might well be positive and beneficial for us, too!

Discover the 15 tell-tale signs it’s time for change in your life – and some insightful questions to move you Read-more

25 small tweaks that will make a difference to your life

Updated on October 18th, 2018

There are times in life when we need a sweeping change, in order to move forward, feel better, or be happier. Then at other times, small tweaks are all we need to refresh our life, and feel more satisfied. Tweaks can be just as effective as sweeping changes, and have just as big an impact.

So if you feel like tweaking your life, yet aren’t sure where or how, read on for 25 simple tweaks that will make a difference Read-more

Sweep or tweak? Find out which kind of change is right for you.

Updated on October 18th, 2018

Change is not equals change. Therefore, one of the things you need to consider when thinking of making a change in your life is: How radical do you want to be? Do you feel like making a sweeping change, or will some well-placed tweaks do? Both can work equally well. What you choose depends on where you are in your life, your circumstances, and your level of comfort with taking risks.

Read on to find out what’s right for you!Read-more

10 reasons why 50 is the perfect time to change your life

Updated on June 25th, 2022

How are you feeling about being or turning 50? Daunted at the ‘Big 5-O’ ushering in thoughts of gentle decline into old age? Or excited about the start of your best years?

Having been around for half a century can feel like a watershed, particularly if you’re not where you were hoping to be in your life. Life can get tough in your fifties. Yet, even so: There’s never been a better time to make positive life changes than for Read-more

Want to leave the corporate rut? 11 practices to help you actually do it

Updated on August 3rd, 2021

Dear Seasoned and Successful Corporate Professional:

Has your job or career become a straitjacket? Do you ever wonder what else you’d discover in life, if you had the time to actually explore it? Or what it would be like to work at your pace, or do your thing? 

If you’ve been thinking, dreaming, fantasizing, even talking about leaving the corporate world – yet have never done anything about it: Here are 11 practices that will help you leave. For Read-more